Welcome to InfernalNexus
All synology web traffic now uses vyperVPN. This is another level of abstraction.
There is now a torrent client installed, link below.
To stream media through your browser, and all the other web mgmt things use this:
synology DSM - NAS management
File/media acquisition tools:
sabnzbd - downloadatron
sickbeard - tv shows
couchpotato - movies
headphones - music
transmission - torrents
Download locations - on the NAS.
sabnzbd : downloads/moves files into /volume1/nas1/video/completed/
sickbeard : downloads/moves files into /volume1/nas1/video/TV/
couchpotato : downloads/moves files into /volume1/nas1/video/movies/
headphones : downloads/moves files into /volume1/nas1/itunes_music/new_tunes/
transmission: downloads files into /volume1/nas1/video/completed
sabnzbd is the tool that does all the downloading. Best bet for anything that hasn't turned up in the right place is sab's DL directory (/volume1/nas1/video/completed/))